Raksha Bandan 2023 festival will be celebrated in the upcoming month i.e. 30th August 2023. Sister and brother have been waiting for this festival for a year. On this day a bond of love between sister & brother gets refreshed. Raksha Bandhan is symbol beautiful relationships between Sister & Brother. Today we will discuss related to Raksha Bandan 2023 in our World Incredible blog.

Let us discuss about Raksha Bandan, facts related to Raksha Bandan Day. I would like to wish you all happy raksha bandan too.
About Raksha Bandan:
Today we will discuss about Raksha Bandan 2023 in our blog. A few days before Rakshabandhan, sister buys Rakhi for her brother.
On the day of Rakhi, the sister, after retiring from daily activities early in the morning, wearing clean clothes, decorates the plate by placing lamps, akshat, sandalwood, sweets and rakhi in the plate of worship.

Later, making the brother sit and apply tilak on his forehead, he performs his aarti.
After performing the aarti, the sister tying a protective thread on the brother’s wrist, prays to God for his long life.
Raksha Bandan Day:
Raksha bandhan is considered a symbol of brother and sister love. On this day sister tying rakhi on her brother’s wrist prays for his long life. Although many stories are prevalent about Rakhi, this is one of those stories.

When Bahadur Shah laid siege to the kingdom of Rani Karmavati, the queen requested Humayun to protect her by sending a rakhi to save the kingdom. Humayun respected the Rakhi sent by the queen and captured Bahadur Shah as a prisoner. Happy Raksha Bandan to all from my side.