Food for pregnant women during nine months is necessary for both baby and mother. While you are pregnant you need to take extra iron, vitamins, calcium and extra protein. During pregnancy calcium and protein both help to maintain blood supply and good oxygen supply to the placenta. Today we will discuss about 10 world best food for pregnant women during nine months.

During pregnancy every women have to eat nutritious food. Baby and mother both have to happy after eating the food during nine months. The nutritious food for pregnant women and essential supplement too I am going to brief it now:
– Vitamins
Healthy Fat
Food Included Nutritious Supplements Necessary in Nine Months During Pregnancy:
Broccoli, Dark Green Leafy Vegetables: Yes, off course we can say that it the best nutritious food for pregnant women. Benefits of eating green vegetables they included Vitamin K, Vitamin A and Vitamin C and Irons. Green leafy vegetables help to reduce the risk of low birth weight. Due to high fibre rich in nature it will help to reduce constipation during pregnancy. You can drink green smoothie of Green leafy vegetables.

Berries: You can eat berries and it is good food for pregnant women. Berries have goodness of good nutritious supplements like Vitamin C, antioxidant property and water. So, that we can say this berries are good food for pregnant women. You can consider berries as a good snack with nutritious properties. Some of the best berries you can eat during pregnancy are respberries, blueberries and goji berries or strawberries.

Eggs: Eggs are good source of cholin and contain around 147 mg cholin. During pregnancy is good food for pregnant women. We can say that egg is the healthy food to eat in pregnanacy. In pregnancy days development of baby is really important. Egg will help to develop baby’s brain and spinal cord so well. It help to prevent abnormalities in brain and spinal cord. So, i would like to prefer you to eat egg during your pregnancy time. Egg having fat, protein and vitamins which are good for body health and baby’s health.
Sweet potatoes: Sweet potatoes is good source of beta carotene. Sweet potato is a plant compound that is converted into vitamin A in your body. Sweet potatoes are good source of Vitamin A too which is good for body development for baby. Sweet potatoes having good fiber nutrient and which is too much healthy for preganant women. Fiber helps to keeps full longer, it help to reduces blood sugar spikes, and improves digestive health.
Legumes: Legumes are like peas, beans, chickpeas, soybeans, and peanuts. Legumes are good source of protein, iron fiber and calcium. So, it is the correct food for pregnant women because these nutrients are the best food for pregnant women. In first trimester, and even before you can include these in your diet plan. Some varieties are also high in iron, magnesium, and potassium.
Dairy Products: Dairy products are essential nutrient supplements for pregnant women. In dairy products there is good amount of calcium and extra protein. Dairy products contain casein and whey. It is the right source of calcium and provides high amounts of B vitamins, phosphorus, zinc and magnesium. So, it is like good food for pregnant women.

Whole grains: Whole grains contain fiber and vitamins. Whole grains are compounds of plants. Whole grains like oats, wheat berries and brown rice good to take during pregnancy. So, you need to take whole grains in your diet.
Avocados: This is coming under fruit but has a good amount of nutrient supplements. Avocados contain a lot of monounsaturated fatty acids. Avocados have fiber, B vitamins, vitamin K, potassium, copper, vitamin E, and vitamin C. It is good for the skin, brain, and tissues of the baby. It is good for protecting the abnormalities of the brain and spine of baby. So, I suggest taking avocados during pregnancy.
Dried fruit: Dried fruits are heavy so we need to take less amount in pregnancy because its contains high amount of fiber, vitamins and minerals. Dried fruit also contain good amount of iron and folates which is good for mother and baby inside the tummy. Always eat natural sugar during pregnancy and always avoid candied varieties, which contain even more sugar.
Water: In pregnancy mother needs to hydrated even every person need to be hydrated. If your body is hydrated then obviously baby automatically because you are the channel to your baby. Water intake help to balance hydration in body. Dehydration leads to electrolyte imbalance. Electrolyte Balance leads to headaches, anxiety, tiredness, bad mood, and reduced memory. So, it is like good food for pregnant women.
Hope my article is helpful for pregnant women. All food for pregnant women are good to eat. Also these are essentials food for both baby and mother. I will come back soon with another blog with lots of information.